Our Western Adventure – Hot Springs and the Geyser Basin

Join Sarah and her family’s adventure into Yellowstone National Park. Her pictures are breathtaking.

My Life as a Dancem0m

A panoramic view of the West Thumb Geyser Basin with Yellowstone Lake in the background. A panoramic view of the West Thumb Geyser Basin with Yellowstone Lake in the background.

Several days of our Yellowstone vacation included exploring the various geysers and hot springs in the park. I had never seen them before, and they were nothing like I expected.

There are several “geyser basins” (or areas where there are multiple hot springs and geysers in the same area) around Yellowstone Park, but there are only four or five in the entire world! We truly saw many unique areas, and things change there all the time. We could go again in 3-5 years, and things could look completely different.

Being my first time at the hot springs, I was surprised at how stinky it was. There was a definite sulphur smell in the air. Steam was rising off many of the springs. I so badly wanted to feel just how hot they were, but I probably would have…

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